Show Me Some Science 3 – Rockets!

Date: Oct 23rd 5pm with Little Shop of Physics

Neurodivergent Crafting Night

Date: October 3rd 5:15pm Pinon 127

Rocky Mountain National Park Adventure

Date: September 23rd – Event, 13th – info session

Info Session Location: Pinon 131, 4:30-5:30

Tie-Dye with Little Shop of Physics & Amplify

Want to tie dye your own shirt? Want to tie dye 300 shirts?? sign up to join the LSOP tie dye party! Every year we gather on Labor Day to dye all of our shirts for all of our interns and volunteers! Amplify is providing an additional shirt for you to dye. You will earn a Little Shop of Physics shirt, plus a bonus Amplify shirt!

Day: Tuesday, Sept 5th

Time: 4:00pm

Location: Engineering Building between the C and D wings

D&D One-Shot Event! Hosted by CSU Sci-Fi & Fantasy Club

Date: Saturday, Sept 2nd

Location: Pinon Hall Classroom, room 131 (right next to the Academic Commons)

Time: 11am-4pm and 5pm-10pm!

Message from the sci-fi and fantasy club:

“If you’ve never DM’d before and you’d like to try, this is the place. If you have an absolute crackpot of an idea, this is the place. If you’ve been a DM for four years and want to be a player for once in your life, this is the place! Anyone and everyone is very, very welcome to come and try quick, five hour long mini-sessions of ttrpgs, or tabletop roleplaying games. This semester, we’ve partnered up with CSU Amplify to use their space for our large events (like D&D). In recent times, they have hosted their own game night and wanted to partner up with us to create a larger, safe space for people to explore sci-fi and fantasy.”

Join the CSU Sci-Fi and Fantasy Club’s discord: https://discord.com/invite/UNXHqPK

Show Me Some Science 1 – Levitation 

Date: August 28th 5pm with Little Shop of Physics


Come play board games! Use ours, or bring your own. We will have sign up boards for those looking for gaming groups, D&D campaigns, and more!

Day: Wednesday Aug 23rd

Time: 5-7pm

Location: Pinon 131 and Academic Commons


Be in the Amphitheater at 6pm for our science experiment kickoff, introductions to staff, and community photo! Them head to our stations to get our community shirt, enjoy liquid nitrogen icecream, lawn games, plant potting and decorating, fidget spinner & art making, and more!

Day: Monday, August 14th

Time: 6-9pm